
December 31
"So teach us to number our days..."

Psalm 90 Devotional

December 24
Reading of the Christmas Story


December 17
The Hope Of Our Salvation (Caine's Sermon)

1 Corinthians 15:1-19
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

December 10
Fellowship Service

December 3
Now Hiring, pt 2

Matthew 9:35–10:42
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio


November 26

Psalm 9 Devotion (No audio)

November 19
Now Hiring, pt 1

Matthew 9:35–10:42
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

November 12
The New Wine

Matthew 9:14–38
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

November 5
The Call Of A Disciple And Sinners

Matthew 9:9–17
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio


October 29
Responses To The Call Of Sinners

Matthew 8:28–9:13
Charts Of Matthew 8 & 9, 10
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

October 22
The Price Of Discipleship

Matthew 8:18-27
Complimentary Reading: Daniel 7:13-14
Charts Of Matthew 8 & 9, 10
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

October 15
The Race of Faith (Caine's Sermon)

Hebrews 12:1-13
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

October 8
Healing: The Will Of God & The Faith Of Man

Matthew 8
Charts Of Matthew 8--9 & 10
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

October 1
Keys to the Kingdom

Matthew 7:12-28
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio


September 24
Kingdom Valuables

Matthew 7:6-12
Complimentary Reading: Psalm 19
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

September 17
Judging: Cautions in the Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 7:1-5
Sermon Outline
Judgment Verses Categorized
MP3 Audio

September 10
Who Is Christ? (Torrey's Sermon)

John 4
MP3 Audio

September 3
Anxiety Free Days, pt 2

Matthew 6:24-7:6
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio


August 20
Anxiety Free Days, pt 1

Matthew 6:19-34
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

August 13
Kingdom Priorities: The Pattern Prayer, pt 2*

Matthew 6:9-15
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

The sub-title of the sermon taken from R. T. France. The Gospel of Matthew. (W. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2007) p 241.
August 6
Kingdom Priorities: The Pattern Prayer*

Matthew 6:9-15
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

The sub-title of the sermon taken from R. T. France. The Gospel of Matthew. (W. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2007) p 241.


July 30
Kingdom Competency: Giving, Fasting, Praying, pt 2

Matthew 6:1-18
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

July 23
Kingdom Competency: Giving, Fasting, Praying, pt 1

Matthew 6:1-18
2 Corinthians 9:6-12
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

July 16
The Greater Righteousness*

Matthew 5:38-48
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

* Title taken from R. T. France's, The Gospel of Matthew (W. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2007) p 218.
July 9
A Greater Righteousness*

Matthew 5:31-37
Matthew 19:1-11
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

* Title taken from R. T. France's, The Gospel of Matthew (W. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2007) p 218.
July 2
Lust: The Character Of An Adulterer

Matthew 5:27-32
Genesis 2:21-3:1
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio


June 25
The Mind Of A Saint Or Murderer?

Matthew 5:21-30
Complementary Reading: click here for Proverbs on "anger"
Sermon Outline
No Audio Available

June 18
Service cancelled

June 11
The Greater Righteousness

Matthew 5:17-20
Complementary Reading: 1 Samuel 15:7-23
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

June 4
The Church: Salt, Light, City on a Hill

Matthew 5:13-16
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio


May 28
Beatitude Blissfulness

Matthew 5:1-12
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

May 21
The Light Dawns in Galilee

Matthew 4:12-24
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

May 14
Victory Over the Enemy's Tactics

Matthew 4:1-11
Commentary Notes
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

May 7
Jesus' and John the Baptist's Ministry Validated

Matthew 3
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio


April 30
Jesus' Rescue and Ministry

Matthew 2:13-3:17
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

April 23
Jesus: The Messianic King

Matthew 1:1-2:12
Commentary Notes
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

April 16
Remembering the Predictions and the Commandment

2 Peter 3:11-18
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

April 9
Celebrating The Resurrection of Our Lord

Read Matthew's Account

April 2
The Day of the Lord Is Coming

2 Peter 3:1-12
Support Passages
Commentary Notes
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio


March 26
False Teachers

2 Peter 2
Commentary Notes
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

March 19
Remain in the Vine
(Torrey's Sermon)

MP3 Audio

March 12
Foundational Reminders

2 Peter 1:12–21
Commentary Notes
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

March 5
Faithful Forgiveness
(Kam's Sermon)

Matthew 18:21-35
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio


February 26
Seeing Into The Eternal Kingdom

2 Peter 1:1-11
Commentary Notes
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

February 19
Suffering For Purpose

1 Peter 4:12–5:14
Commentary Notes
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

February 12
Think Like Jesus; Act Like Jesus, pt 2

1 Peter 3:18–4:11
Commentary Notes
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

Click here to read the "Love People" chapter in The Way of Discipleship.

February 5
Think Like Jesus; Act Like Jesus, pt 1

1 Peter 3:8–17
Commentary Notes
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio


January 29
Love: Because Of The Day
(Kam's Sermon)

Philippians 1:1-11
Sermon Outline

January 22
Instructions For The Households of God

1 Peter 2:12–3:7
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio
Recorded at a later time due to technical difficulties.

January 15
Unity of Believers, pt 2

1 Peter 2:4–11
Commentary Notes
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

January 8
Unity of Believers, pt 1

1 Peter 1:22–2:3
Commentary Notes
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

KJV and NKJV have the phrase "through the Spirit" in 1 Peter 1:22. This phrase is omitted in most English translations due to proven scribal addition through the older manuscript witnesses. See the excellent video, "Manuscript Evidence for the Bible" for a well done documentary that explains topics such as this one.

January 1
New Year Commitment To Holiness

1 Peter 1:13–21
Commentary Notes
Sermon Outline
MP3 Audio

Click here for 2022 Sermons