Charts Of Matthew 8–9 & 10

Matthew 8–9
Weaving Jesus’ Demonstration of Power With the Call Of Discipleship

Passage Jesus’ Miracles Realm of Jesus’ Miracles Passage Calls of Discipleship Discipleship Virtues
8:1-4 The worst diseases e.g., leprosy Physical 8:5-13 The outstanding faith of the centurion. Faith
8:14-17 General sickness Physical 8:18-22 The would be disciples. Steadfastness
8:23-27 The Calming of the storm. Natural
8:28-34 Two men healed of demon possession. Spiritual
9:1-8 Healing of a paralytic Physical 9:9 Mathew called to be a disciple. Call answered.
9:10-13 Calling of sinners. Calls answered.
9:14-17 New Testament Wine vs. Fasting Wisdom
9:18-22 A woman healed. Physical
9:23-26 A girl raised from the dead. Physical
9:27-31 Two blind men healed. Physical
9:32-34 A mute man healed. Physical
9:35-38 The plentiful, white harvest. Call opened up.

Matthew 10
The Call, Costs And Reward Of Discipleship

Passage The Call, Costs And Reward Of Discipleship Discipleship Virtues
10:1-4 The 12 Disciples called. Call answered.
10:5-15 The 12 are sent out with instructions. Begin
10:16-23 Disciples will be persecuted. Steadfastness
10:24-25 Discipleship defined. Wisdom
10:26-33 Have no fear. Faith / Steadfastness
10:34-39 No peace but a sword of division. Wisdom
10:40-42 Rewards of the kingdom. Wisdom