The leaders of CrossPoint Church began with a study through the Book of Acts to plant the church. Below are the things we observed the early Church doing.

God is both Sovereign and the Source of power in the Church.

  • The Church was told by the Lord that the Apostles would receive power after the Holy Spirit came upon them (Acts 1:8). That power continues.
  • The Church should be led by the Holy Spirit in all things (Acts 1:8; 10:20).

The Church’s focus is not to grow numerically but should be focued on being spiritually healthy and mature.

  • The Church acknowledges and holds dear that its power to exist, function, and grow spiritually and numerically (Acts 2:47) comes from God.

The early Church has special insight.

  • The first century Church witnessed Jesus’ ministry, death, and resurrection. They, therefore, had insight into church planting. Churches should look for insight from the Word of God.

The Church should be missional.

  • The Church was to be Jesus’ witnesses in their areas of residence and influence (Acts 1:8, 9:20).
  • The church should have evangelism as one of its paramount focuses. The Gospel is humankind’s greatest need (Acts 1:8, 9:20).
  • Furthermore, The Church was to be Jesus’ witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).
  • The Church had a vision for world missions. Therefore we do also. We recommend Global Evangelical Team as a missionary partner.

The Great Commission should be the driving directive of the Church.

  • To be used of God, the Church must be intentional in the “Making of disciples.”
  • Church membership should require mentorship. People should clearly know what it means to be a disciple to become a member.
  • Thorough teaching is necessary for the Great Commission to be successful executed. Jesus commanded that “everything he commanded” be taught as a part of making disciples. Therefore, the Church should have the mechanics that facilitate the teaching, learning, and the mentors in place to facilitate thorough teaching.
  • The Church should counsel every believer towards baptism.
  • We are to make disciples “as we go” through life.

God uses church planting to evangelize and disciple people.

  • Church planting should be of the highest priority.
  • Therefore, the church should set the model and hope for everyday evangelism and missions. Reaching others with the Gospel and discipleship should be in the DNA of the Church.

The Church should be a place of prayer.

  • The Church should be a place of devoted prayer (Acts 1:14; 6:4; 10:1, 2).
  • Leaders of the Church should fast.
  • Leaders should be in a state of worshiping, fasting, and praying before choosing leaders (13:2; 14:23).
  • Leaders should be devoted to prayer and ministry of the Word (Acts 6:2-4).
  • Deacons should take care of the temporal needs of the church.

The Church should demonstrate unity (Acts 1:14; 4:32).

Church discipline should be enforced when needed.

  • Matthew 18:15-20 and Galatians 6:1 should be used for church discipline.
  • A culture against gossip (and other accepted sins) should be nurtured and maintained.

The Church should engage the head, the heart, and the hands of each Church member.

  • People should hear biblical teaching, should be challenged theologically, and should be engaged with actionable possibilities (Acts 2:37).

Eating together should be a priority (Acts 2:46).

The Church should take intentional steps to be generous (Acts 2:46; 10:1, 2).

  • There should not be food needs in the Church (Acts 6:2; 11:29). The Church should have no need among its members. The Church should take care of its members even if it costs dearly (Acts 2:45, 4:32).
  • The Church should have favor—because of its generosity—in the community (Acts 2:47).

The doctrine of suffering should be taught.

  • The Church should understand that it is a privilege to suffer (Acts 5:41).

The Church should love its enemies (Acts 7:60).

The Church should be joyful (Acts 13:52).

Church planting leadership should not move on quickly (Acts 14:3; 14:28; 15:33).