September 11, 2022
Righteousness: The Fruit of Heavenly Wisdom
James 3:13-18


How can we insure that our deeds measure up?

James starts this section with a call for examination. 13 Who is wise and understanding among you?

But James wasn’t asking for a show of hands.

Let’s look at how the Scriptures speak of wisdom. Turn to:


James seems to have a razor focus: “Deeds, deeds, deeds”! (EBC). James reminds me of some bad bosses I had: more, more, more is all they asked for. But James is going to give the practical “how to” in the following passages.

STEP 1: To find wisdom there needs to be a serious look for counterfeits or substitutes inside of one’s self.

When we have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in our lives, James says we should not # 1, look at v. 14b again:



James describes bitter jealously and selfish ambition AND he hints at what we should be seeking in verse 15.

What is the output of selfish ambition? 16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.


Now that we see the havoc that bitter jealousy and selfish ambition bring to the Church, let’s look at the contrast and benefit of the heavenly wisdom. Verse 17.

STEP 2: Desire and identify the heavenly wisdom.


Look at the benefit to those who hunger for the wisdom of God.


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