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October 16, 2022
The Order Of Truth
Titus 1:5-16

5 This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town as I directed you—

Church Governments

Before we move on to the qualification of the church’s leaders, let’s take a note of a few things:

Let now move on to Paul’s 17 qualifications for an elder.

Verse 7 For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach.

We see personal qualifications start in verse that keeps an elder from reproach:

Barclay summed these qualifications up well when he wrote, “The result of faith and knowledge must be a truly religious life. Faith must always issue in life and Christian knowledge is not merely intellectual knowledge but knowledge how to live. Many people have been great scholars and yet completely inefficient in the ordinary things of life and total failures in their personal relationships. A truly religious life is one in which a man is on the right terms with God, with himself and with his fellow-men. It is a life in which a man can cope alike with the great moments and the everyday duties.”

Paul takes writes the doctrinal qualifications beginning in verse 9 He must hold firm to the trustworthy word…




Now that we see that Paul explained the leadership requirements to Titus, let’s now turn our attention to the purpose of the resume’. Look at verse 9b.

9b, so that [we see purpose here] he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.


1.a Embraced by Truth. FORMS OF CHURCH GOVERNMENT. Government/Forms of Church Government.htm

1.b Luca, Sean. “What is the Biblical Model of Church Government?” 2017, RTS,

2 “Regarding the Roman World, the World Encyclopedia recorded, “Childlessness was considered a great misfortune and a man could take a second wife if the bride proved infertile.” Furthermore, I man could have unlimited concubines if he could support them.” From Mark, Joshua J. “Love, Sex, and Marriage in Ancient Mesopotamia.” Published 16 May 2014, See also “A Brief Look At The Different Types Of Marriage In Ancient Rome,”

3 The Talmud. “Yevamot 65a.”

4 “The Cretan poet that Paul quoted was Epimenides, who lived in the sixth century B.C., and was regarded by his contemporaries as a prophet, a great religious reformer, and a predicter, as well as a poet.”[57] (Lock, p. 134 in Constable)

5 See “Mishnah.” Jewish Virtual Library, Cf. “Mishnah.” Jewish History,

Bibliography and Works Cited