Christian Hope

False Sources of Hope

  • Idols - Jonah 2:8
  • Wealth - Proverbs 11:7
  • The war horse - Psalm 33:17
  • Extortion/Robbery - Psalm 62:10
  • Riches - 1 Timothy 6:17
  • False divinations - Ezekiel 13:6
  • Wrong objects - John 5:45

The Result of Hope

  • Antidote of despair - Psalm 42:5
  • Patience - Psalm 93:7
  • Gladness - Proverbs 10:28
  • Sanctification - 1 John 3:3
  • Boldness - 2 Corinthians 3:12
  • Evangelism - 1 Peter 3:15
  • Persecution - Acts 23:6

True Sources of Hope

  • God the Father - Psalm 62:5
  • Jesus Christ - 1 Timothy 1:1
  • The Holy Spirit - Romans 5:5
  • Remembrance - Lam. 3:21-23
  • Suffering - Romans 5:3-4
  • Scripture - Romans 15:4
  • Faith - Hebrews 11:1

Promises of Hope

  • Of Resurrection - 1 Thess. 4:13
  • Of Glory - Colossians 1:27
  • Of eternal life - Titus 1:2; 3:7
  • Of Christ’s return - 1 Peter 1:13
  • Jesus Himself- 1 Timothy 1:1