Suffer Well
Selected Scriptures
April 10, 2022

The Title of the Sermon is Suffer Well. We need to suffer well because the human experience is FULL of suffering. It seems at every corner of life we experience some form of suffering, whether it be from frustration, bad decisions, relationship break-downs, other people, health problems … there is no lack of suffering in the world. There is no person that suffering will not touch. Often times we suffer for years on end with some form of suffering. This morning, through a topical sermon, I want to take a look at what God has to teach us about suffering as we begin Passion Week and think about.


#1 All Suffer Physical

Suffering is directly correlated to sin! Every ounce of it.

ILLUSTRATION: Many people have excelled with suffering.

Most of the Psalms were born in difficulty. Most of the Epistles were written in prisons. … Bunyan wrote Pilgrim’s Progress from jail. Florence Nightingale, too ill to move from her bed, reorganized the hospitals of England. … During the greater part of his life, American historian Francis Parkman suffered so acutely that he could not work for more than five minutes as a time. His eyesight was so wretched that he could scrawl only a few gigantic words on a manuscript, yet he [strained] to write twenty magnificent volumes of history. (Hansel)

# 2 We have Adams sin in us that causes suffering.

Being part of Adam’s sinful prodigy has brought an incalculable amount of suffering to humankind.

#3 Out of our heritage also come personal, sinful choices which bring more suffering.

Our sins may make others suffer and vise versa.
Who has not been touched by the sins of another?
We are in a Suffering Soup.

#4 Christians suffer in particular ways

We suffer due to acute home sickness
- > [Passage 4] Romans 8:20-23
For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.

Temptation Brings Suffering

From Spiritual Disappointment

From Doing The Ministry God has Called Us To

Amy Carmichael’s life.
She wrote,

Hast thou no scar’
No hidden scar on foot, or side, or hand’
I hear thee sung as mighty in the land,
I hear them hail thy bright ascendant star,
Hast thou no scar’

Hast thou no wound’
Yet I was wounded by the archers, spend,
Leaned Me against a tree to die; and rent
By ravening beasts that compassed Me, I swooned:
Hast thou no wound’

No wound, no scar’
Yet, as the Master shall the servant be,
And, pierced are the feet that follow Me;
But thine are whole: can he have followed far
Who has no wounds nor scar’


“Suffering gets our attention; it forces us to look to God, when otherwise we would just as well ignored Him.” (Yancey)

The Calls To Biblical Responses

To Rejoice

To Pray

To Endure

We Are To Example Jesus In Suffering

To Trust God


At the Nicene Council, an important church meeting in the 4th century A.D., of the 318 delegates attending, fewer than 12 had not lost an eye or lost a hand or did not limp on a leg lamed by torture for their Christian faith. (Havner)


#5 Benefits of Suffering Well

When we respond with biblical responses, we shall receive the God’s blessings:

Character Built



Honor, privilege, comfort, character building, intimacy with God, if that is not enough there is great …

[Passage 17] A Christian world view embraces suffering. The Scripture teach the necessity of suffering:

Martin Luther wrote:

If we consider the greatness and the glory of the life we shall have when we have risen from the dead, it would not be difficult at all for us to bear the concerns of this world. If I believe the Word, I shall on the Last Day, after the sentence has been pronounced, not only gladly have suffered ordinary temptations, insults, and imprisonment, but I shall also say: “O, that I did not throw myself under the feet of all the godless for the sake of the great glory which I now see revealed and which has come to me through the merit of Christ!” (Luther)

“The Merit of Christ” / The Result of Jesus’ Suffering

And suffer Jesus did; for what purpose?


Carmichael, Amy. No Scar?, accessed March 28, 2022, >

Hansel, Tim. You Gotta Keep Dancin’. David C. Cook, 1985, p. 87. As quoted by Accessed April 7, 2022,

Our Daily Bread. As quoted by Accessed April 7, 2022,

Scripture is from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Struven, Mildred Witte. Bits and Pieces, September 19, 1991, p. 6. As quoted by Accessed April 7, 2022,

Yancey, Philip. Where is God When it Hurts? p. 58. As quoted by Accessed April 7, 2022,